Reconnect and Ground with Yin Yoga: Child’s Pose

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Welcome Back to Our Weekly Yin Yoga Series!

I hope you enjoyed last week’s practice and are beginning to feel more connected to your breath and body as we transition into autumn. As promised, I’m continuing with a new yin yoga pose every Wednesday leading up to our 6-week Yin Yoga series, which begins on September 4th. This week, we’re focusing on a pose that offers a deep sense of grounding and introspection: Child’s Pose.

Why Child’s Pose?

Child’s Pose, or Balasana, is a deeply restorative pose that invites you to turn inward, reconnect with yourself, and ground your energy. It’s an excellent pose for anyone looking to relieve tension in the back, shoulders, and hips while cultivating a sense of calm and stability. As we ease into this pose, we focus on breathing into the back of the ribcage, expanding and contracting like a balloon. This visualization helps deepen your breath, massaging the internal organs and relieving any back pain you might be experiencing.

How to Practice Child’s Pose

  1. Set Up Your Pose: Begin on your hands and knees, with your knees wide apart and big toes touching. Slowly sit back onto your heels, allowing your torso to fold forward and rest between your thighs.
  2. Relax Your Upper Body: Extend your arms forward on the mat, or let them rest alongside your body with palms facing up. Allow your forehead to gently rest on the mat or a block for support, creating a soothing sensation as you relax your neck and shoulders.
  3. Focus on Your Breath: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, focusing on the expansion and contraction of your back. Imagine your back body inflating like a balloon with each inhale, filling the back of the ribcage and stretching out tight muscles. As you exhale, visualize the balloon gently deflating, releasing tension and relaxing deeper into the pose.
  4. Stay Grounded: Remain in this pose for a few minutes, allowing yourself to fully surrender to the earth beneath you. Feel the grounding energy of the pose, as though you are in a cocoon, turning inward and finding a sense of peace and calm.
  5. Gently Release: To come out of the pose, slowly press your hands into the mat and lift your torso back up to a seated position. Take a moment to notice how you feel and acknowledge any shifts in your energy or mood.

Watch the Guided Practice

To help you experience the full benefits of Child’s Pose, I’ve created a 5-minute guided video. This practice will guide you through the setup and breath focus, helping you connect with the grounding and restorative qualities of this pose. Be sure to check it out below!

Looking Ahead: Our 6-Week Yin Yoga Series

These free practices are a gentle introduction to the deeper, more immersive experience of our 6-week Yin Yoga series, starting on September 4th. Each week, we’ll explore different aspects of yin yoga, breathwork, and relaxation techniques designed to help you restore balance and harmony in your body and mind.

Why Join the Series?

This course will guide you through a holistic journey combining the calming benefits of yin yoga with deep relaxation practices, like cacao ceremonies, sound healing, and Yoga Nidra. If you’re looking to enhance your sleep, improve flexibility, or simply find more peace and presence in your life, this series is for you.

Spaces are limited, so don’t wait! Secure your spot today.

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Thank you for joining me on this journey. I look forward to practicing with you and sharing this beautiful experience as we move through these weeks together.

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