Open Your Heart with Yin Yoga: Melting Heart Pose

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Welcome to the Final Week of Our Free Yin Yoga Series!

As we approach the start of our 6-week Yin Yoga Series on September 4th, I’m excited to share the final pose in our free weekly series: Melting Heart Pose (Anahatasana). This deeply restorative pose is a beautiful way to open the chest, shoulders, and heart, encouraging expansive breathing and a gentle release of tension.

Why Melting Heart Pose?

Melting Heart Pose, also known as Anahatasana, is a yin yoga posture that focuses on opening the heart space and stretching the upper back, shoulders, and chest. It’s perfect for those looking to release tightness in these areas, especially after long hours spent sitting or working at a desk. This pose invites you to surrender to the earth beneath you, allowing gravity to gently open your body and create space for deeper, more expansive breathing.

How to Practice Melting Heart Pose

  1. Set Up Your Pose: Begin on all fours in a tabletop position with your hips directly above your knees. Walk your hands forward, keeping your arms straight, and allow your chest to melt down towards the mat. You can rest your forehead or chin on the floor, depending on what feels most comfortable for you.
  2. Support Your Pose: To deepen the stretch and make the pose more accessible, place a block under your forehead or chest for support. This allows your shoulders to soften and helps you relax deeper into the posture.
  3. Breathe Deeply: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Imagine breathing into all sides of your ribcage, expanding with each inhale and releasing with each exhale. Feel the opening across your chest and shoulders, and notice any sensations that arise.
  4. Surrender and Melt: Stay in this pose for a few minutes, letting go of any tension in your upper body and surrendering to the earth beneath you. Allow your heart to open and your breath to flow freely, creating a sense of spaciousness and ease.
  5. Gently Release: When you’re ready to come out of the pose, slowly walk your hands back towards your body and return to a seated position. Take a moment to notice how you feel, acknowledging any shifts in your energy or mood.

Watch the Guided Practice

To help you fully experience the benefits of Melting Heart Pose, I’ve created a 5-minute guided video. This practice will guide you through the setup, support options, and breath focus, helping you to open your heart and release tension. Be sure to check it out below!

Last Chance to Join Our 6-Week Yin Yoga Series!

These free practices are a wonderful introduction to the deeper experience of our 6-week Yin Yoga series, which begins next week. This course will guide you through a journey of self-discovery and relaxation, incorporating yin yoga, breathwork, cacao ceremonies, sound healing, and Yoga Nidra.

Learn More & Sign Up for the 6-Week Yin Yoga Series

Drop-In Classes and Pass Options Available

If you’re not able to commit to the full course, we also offer drop-in classes and 4-week passes, but spaces are limited and filling up quickly. Whether you want to join us for one class or dive into the full series, there’s an option for everyone!

[Reserve Your Spot Now]

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I look forward to seeing you on the mat soon and sharing these beautiful practices with you!

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