Cultivating Calm with Yin Yoga: Supported Fish Pose

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Welcome to the First Pose in Our Weekly Yin Yoga Series!

As we approach the beginning of our 6-week Yin Yoga series, I’m excited to share a special sequence of yin yoga poses designed to help you cultivate calm, release tension, and prepare your body and mind for deeper practice. Each Wednesday leading up to the course, I’ll be releasing a new pose for you to explore at home. Today, we’re starting with the gentle yet powerful Supported Fish Pose.

Why Supported Fish Pose?

Supported Fish Pose is a deeply restorative heart-opener that gently stretches the chest, shoulders, and throat while promoting a sense of relaxation and ease. By using blocks for support, this pose allows you to soften into the posture, encouraging a mindful connection with your breath. It’s the perfect antidote to the stress and tension that can accumulate in our upper bodies, especially if you spend a lot of time at a desk or on your devices.

How to Practice Supported Fish Pose

1. Set Up Your Props: Begin by placing a block horizontally under your shoulder blades and another block under your head. The block under your head can be at the same height or slightly lower than the one under your shoulders, depending on what feels most comfortable for you.

2. Find Your Position: Gently lie back onto the blocks, allowing your chest to open and your arms to rest at your sides, palms facing up. Let your legs extend out comfortably in front of you, or bring the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall open in a supported reclined butterfly position.

3. Connect with Your Breath: Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, feeling your ribcage expand as your chest rises. Exhale slowly, allowing your body to relax and melt into the support of the blocks. Focus on the wave-like flow of your breath, feeling the gentle rise and fall beneath your hands if you place them on your ribcage or belly.

4. Stay Present: Remain in this pose for a few minutes, letting go of any tension with each exhale. Allow yourself to be fully supported, both physically by the blocks and emotionally by the grounding nature of this pose.

5. Slowly Release: When you’re ready to come out of the pose, gently roll to one side and remove the blocks. Take a moment in a comfortable seated position to notice how your body feels before moving on with your day.

Watch the Guided Practice

To help you fully relax into this pose, I’ve created a 5-minute guided video that you can follow along with. This short practice will guide you through the steps of setting up and experiencing Supported Fish Pose, with a focus on breath awareness and relaxation. Be sure to check it out below!

Join the Journey to Inner Stillness

I encourage you to take a few moments each week to practice these poses, allowing them to guide you into a state of inner calm and balance. As you continue to explore these postures, you’ll be laying the foundation for a more mindful and restorative yin yoga practice.

Looking Ahead: Our 6-Week Yin Yoga Series

This is just the beginning! If you’re ready to dive deeper into your yin yoga journey, I invite you to join my 6-week Yin Yoga series starting on 4th September . This course is designed to help you cultivate mindfulness, release tension, and find peace within. Each week, we’ll build on the principles introduced in these short practices, allowing you to deepen your understanding and experience of yin yoga.

Sign Up Now!

Spaces are limited, so be sure to secure your spot today.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I look forward to practicing with you!

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