
Hatha Back Bending Workshop

Overview This special 1.5 hour workshop will feature a comprehensive Hatha Yoga session, focusing on heart-opening back bends. We'll begin with a cacao ceremony to facilitate an expansive and nourishing practice. The practice is suitable for beginners, though it will be more intensive than our regular classes. Participants are encouraged to go at their own pace and honor their personal experience. What's Included: Cacao Ceremony: Begin the evening with a heart-opening cacao ceremony. Experience the ancient tradition of drinking pure cacao to connect deeply with yourself and others, fostering a sense of unity and

By |May 16th, 2024|Categories: , , , , , |0 Comments

Hatha Yoga

Overview Experience the essence of yoga with with our Hatha Yoga 4-week course.  Hatha yoga is a traditional form of yoga that focuses on physical postures (asanas) and breath control (pranayama) to achieve balance between body and mind. In our beginner-friendly class, you'll explore foundational yoga poses and breathing techniques at a slower pace, allowing you to build strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.  A Hatha Yoga class is designed to deepen your practice and enhance your well-being. Each week, we will focus on specific areas of the body, incorporating essential elements of yoga such as pranayam/breathwork, meditation, kriyas (cleansing

Breathe & Restore: Yin Series

Overview Discover the transformative power of breath and gentle movement in our "Breathe & Restore: Yin Series." Breathe and Restore is designed to guide you through a holistic journey, combining the calming benefits of yin yoga with the deep relaxation of breathwork, functional movements, and other integrative practices. Each 60-minute session is thoughtfully crafted to help you release tension, improve flexibility, and achieve a state of deep inner peace. Throughout the series, you will experience the profound effects of cacao ceremonies, sound healing, and Yoga Nidra. Our unique approach integrates breath awareness into every aspect of the practice,

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